Race to the Edge - Playtesting Notes

I'll keep track of playtesting and the changes that come from it here.

Oct 30/23 - first b&w prototype and play tests

Game 001: (1st Black & White Prototype)
Players = 2 (Dean & Trish - winner)
Time - 1 hour with Teach

Starting the game...

On our way...

Halfway to the Edge!

Noticing Monuments aren't an impediment.

Tied up!

Trish Wins!

Final layout

Changes to make: Monuments need to be an impediment. Add Speed tracker, so travelling on different types of roads matters.

Game 002: (Implement 2 changes from previous game)
Players = 2 (Dean & Trish - winner)
Time: 1 hr, with brainstorming ideas.

Starting the game...

The monuments are a major impediment!

Trish is forcing me to to the Edge! (but is stuck on the highway as I blocked her path)

I double back, while she is still stuck (we decide we need curved highways and more Y-shaped pieces).

Trish Wins!

Changes to make: Monuments are too big and there are too many of them. We forgot the rule about placing Tiles on top of each other (she could have gone back before the highway starts and branch off). Change Dice track to a single block on each card, that moves up and down a scale. Add more Highway Tile types (curve and off/on ramp). Work on values for gas & speed for better balance. Use the Gas Station cards like monuments (places to grow your roads to).

Fun factor? As the game progresses we got out of our chairs to figure out placement of road types and liked the Take-That aspect of messing with each other's roads.

Not liking the random Tile selection from the Deck as you might have to wait a while to get a preferred Tile. Maybe switch to a Market?. Also, try adding a Planning area to hold some Tiles outside of your hand, that all players see, but you can pick from when you need.

