Hydro (Electricity)
![Hydro Cost](images/hydro-cost.png)
(Blue line is the estimated cost with yearly inflation increases)
![Hydro Usage](images/hydro-usage.png)
Since 2002 we've switched to CFL (now LED) lights, a high-efficiency AC/furnace (with DC fan) and appliances (fridge, stove and dish-washer), but have added always-on PVR's with larger TV's and larger computer screens. The clothes washer and dryer are old, but we air dry a lot of clothes. We try to use the higher demand appliances during off-peak billing hours. We keep the house at 23C during the summer.
Looks like our costs over the past 20 years have kept in line with inflation. Hydro bills are quite complicated, with many kinds of charges and rebates. I just simplified it down to what we ended up paying each month.
*** 2000-2002 we were in a rented house with a tenant in the basement.